Interested in making the claims process easier for your customers? Contact us for more information on Home Manager.
Offer real-time updates on your customers’ home assistance requests
Your customers lead highly active lives increasingly digital lives. When facing a home emergency, such as a heating problem or water damage, they need fast assistance. That’s where our Home Manager comes in. A new digital tool combining WebApp and text notifications, Home Manager is our smart interface for the home that improves the customer’s claim process.
It provides regular updates on the progress of the Home Emergency claim, from the initial logging of the case, through to the completion of the repair, including providers’ missions and statuses. Home Manager reinforces your relationship with your customers, while offering them transparency and peace of mind in a stressful situation.

Provide ease of use for home repairs
In the “New Normal” your customers seek peace of mind more than ever before. That means they look for simplicity, transparency and ease of use when it comes to home assistance. They certainly don’t want to have to download yet another application. And though they want real-time information, they can do without constant updates. That’s why Home Manager is a Web-app technology that only updates on an as-needed basis; on average, four notifications per claim. Customer response has been overwhelmingly positive: since the launch of Home Manager in the UK in February 2020, more than one customer out of two who agreed via text to be contacted has adopted the solution. Since the launch in Spain, the trend to adoption has also been strong.

Real-time information in just one click
Home Manager is a Web application that provides real time updates on the progress of a home emergency claim directly to a customer’s smart device.
The user can track every step of the process and intervene when necessary, for example to reprogram the visit of a contractor, take a look at useful tips and FAQ, or contact an agent for further assistance. Once the app, currently in service in Spain and the UK, is opened, it can be used to take or upload pictures for the contractor. Since the assistance is provided through a web-based technology, there is no need to download an app. At any stage, the customer can access the full history of his case directly on the tool.
Moreover, in Spain, customers are now reminded to upload pictures or videos in the case of a home emergency which has been received with enthusiasm. This feature enables our customers to fasten their case treatment. In just a few months, this reminder has helped increase the number of uploaded pictures by 14%, saving both clients and Customer care advisors a precious time.